Saturday 22 January 2011

REO Speed Wagon

Firstly, my apologies for the long delay in posting - work, moving etc have got in the way so haven't found the time to do so.

Despite the title, this post isn't about an American Rock Band - it's about a bus. REO was an American motor car manufacturer, who later made a type of truck known as the REO Speed Wagon, a name used for over twenty years for various light-trucks and fire engines, busses etc built on the same chassis. This 1925 REO Speed Wagon was given a bus body, and is now owned by the Black Country Living Museum (, where it is seen in these photographs taken on a rainy day in 2008.


This very REO Speed Wagon was used in an episode of 'Jeeves & Wooster', Series 2 Episode 5, 'The Mysterious Stranger', painted blue, seen here;


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